8/21: IM BACK.. AGAIN!
1. updated all links to complement new username
2. added a diary entry
3. edited profile to be more simple
4. added a guestbook!!!
9/28: IM BACK!
1. updated top songs from april to august
2. added a diary entry
1/1: 1. added a diary entry
2. being my best self!!!
12/7: 1. added a diary entry
2. added pngs to social.html for a lil pizzazz
12/6: 1. added a diary entry
12/5: 1. added a diary entry
2. added socials.html
12/4: 1. created this update box!
2. added little cuties to index.html
3. redesigned profile.html
4. added music.html
5. added autoplay music!
6. added page counter

hi there and welcome!